An appraisal from Big Sky Appraisal, LLC could save you money when buying property in Carver County

Why should you get an "appraisal" when you're not really going through the process of applying for a loan? After all, all you want is some info on local homes. We are able to provide inexpensive sales and listing reports that will help you through the jungle of raw data. Our company's consulting services help you come to an informed buying decision. Buying a home is a complex process, and we understand what you're going through.

Buying a house is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, we can help. Contact us today.

There are some things customers can expect when you hire Big Sky Appraisal, LLC...

  • A rapid answer to your initial inquiry: You will acquire specific facts from Big Sky Appraisal, LLC for your request. All you need to do is just tell us exactly what you're going through and we'll make suggestions.
  • Rapid turnaround time: Expect your report back in one week or less from when the inquiry is received.
  • Appraisal and consulting reports formats to suit YOUR needs: We know that people want different things - there is no "one size fits all" in the appraisal and consulting business. Big Sky Appraisal, LLC offers a wide list of report types and delivery styles.
  • A speedy response to follow-up questions: Our appraisals are clearly written, easy to read and digest, and meet or exceed the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that govern the appraisal profession in MN. As with any purchase, if there are any concerns at all about your appraisal - before or after you've ordered it - be sure to give us a call at 9524510739!